Monday, October 03, 2016

Photo of Philip Corner's piano in MusikTexte

I was fortunate to be at Cafe Oto on a rainy September night here in London to watch Philip Corner and Phoebe Neville perform. The Koln-based music magazine MusikTexte has published the photo below in their issue honouring the late Fluxus artist Ben Patterson. It shows the piano, which had been decorated, wrapped and rubbed with paper by Philip and Phoebe in their own 'Paper Piece' which echoed Patterson's piece of the same name. The piano became a physical reminder, a sculpture to attest to the power of art to live on in conversation and collaboration well after it has been created. I met up with Philip and Phoebe the day after their performance to interview them. They were two of the most generous and alive people I have ever met.

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